Friday, 21 June 2013

F - following the main market

Ford (F) is closely following the price action in the main indexes, and with the market seeing some moderate latter day recovery, Ford closed above the earlier lows, +1.2% @ $15. Slight upside for Monday seems likely, but then 1-2 weeks of downside to 14.00/13.50.

F, daily


Ford is very much in sync with the main US markets, although is one of the more stronger stocks/companies out there.

If the main market outlook is correct - sp'1550/30 by mid July, then Ford will very likely fall to $14, if not the mid 13s. A further fifth wave higher into Aug/Sept, would then see Ford break to new highs, perhaps even challenging the early 2011 highs - into the $17/18s.

Ford is unquestionably a great company, and one that continues to be a good barometer of the main US market.