Wednesday, 15 August 2012

ANR - another day..another decline

Alpha Natural Resources (ANR) remains a loss making coal miner - although that is very typical of the sector right now. Broad trend is a very straightforward...down.

ANR, daily


ANR remains in a very serious down trend. With underlying economic weakness in many countries, it seems almost impossible for anyone in this sector to make a profit.

The forward PE is...N/A..since its loss making! The real concern I have with ANR is the nearly $3bn of debt, this is twice the current market cap - not that 'market cap' has much to do with anything. I've no idea on the structure of the debt mini-mountain of ANR, but 3bn is rather a lot for a company that could easily be rated by Mr Market as just $700 million within the next 3-6mths.

For further details, see ANR company stats 

Price targets?

With ANR still losing money, how could anyone like this stock at any price point?

The whole thing smells somewhat like how PCX did last summer. It took less than a year for PCX to implode from $24 to effectively zero.

For ANR and JRCC, I'd be surprised if both of them are still around in summer 2013.