The rare earth stocks Molycorp (MCP) and Rare Element Resources (REE) saw huge gains of around 20% and 12% respectively today. Yet, the trend across 2012 has been dire, and both stocks are still down by around 80% this year.
MCP, daily
REE, daily
There is an immense amount of hysteria surrounding the rare earth stocks. There will doubtless be a lot of stock pump/dump sites now touting both of these two pieces of...garbage as a 'bargain buy'. After all, they are still 'cheap' relative to what they used to be priced at. Well, thats the nonsense that will be all around the murky corners of the financial net-sphere this week.
Just consider that REE used to be in the low 20s..and MCP was once in the 70s.
The hysteria surrounding both stocks evaporated, and both collapsed across all of this year.
Check out the basic financial stats..
MCP - Yahoo! finance
REE - Yahoo! fiannce
MCP is a loss making mess. As for REE..its arguably nothing less than a shell company.
Motley Fool - 'why molycorp shares popped'
To be ignored
On any basis, both are lousy companies, surrounded by a lot of hysteria - as today's price moves suggests.
I won't even bother stating a fair value for either.
Neither of them deserve it.